Shipping Policy

The three shipping options include:

  • Standard Shipping:
    • To US destinations:
      • 3-8 business days
      • Tracking provided
      • Includes Saturday delivery
      • Delivered by USPS
      • Alaska/Hawaii may require extra time
    • To any other destinations outside of the US :
      • 3-18 business days
      • No tracking provided
      • Upon delivery, may be subject to import taxes, customs, and duties
  • Premium Shipping:
    • To US destinations:
      • 3-7 business days
      • Tracking provided
      • Includes Saturday delivery
      • Delivered by USPS Priority Mail
    • To any other destinations:
      • Not available
  • Express Shipping:
    • To US destinations:
      • 2-3 business days
      • Tracking provided
      • Delivered by FedEx
      • Not available for Alaska, Hawaii, PO boxes, and APOs
    • To any other destinations:
      • 2-5 business days
      • Tracking provided
      • Delivery by FedEx.
      • Not deliverable to PO Boxes. May be subject to import taxes, customs, and duties upon delivery.


Please be aware that orders to Canada are potentially subject to duty and/or taxes with few exceptions. The CBSA collects provincial sales taxes (PST) and Harmonized Sales Taxes (HST) according to the province of residence on most taxable imports valued at over $20 CAD. You can find this and more information on the matter of customs as well as a redirect to the Canada Border Services Agency on this webpage by the Canadian post.